Friday, May 29, 2020

(Pictures from last week's blog were from the Girl's Locker Room, 8th-grade hallway, and the chicken coop.)

Well, Tigers we did it!  If someone would have asked if I thought everyone could move to an online learning platform in two weeks, the answer would have been NO!  But we did.  It wasn't smooth and not even our best work but learning occurred for every GMS Tiger.  I am super proud of the GMS Staff for the incredible amount of learning it took to pull this off in two weeks and to keep it going.  I am equally proud of our GMS students who had to learn how to use the online tools, learn from them, and submit assignments!  Of course, none of this would have happened without the support of our amazing GMS families.   The amount of pride I have for this community is overwhelming.  During this time, not only did many of you forgo the district laptops allowing for needier students to receive theirs first.  Families also supported the GMS faculty financially in multiple ways.  I have even heard of GMS Tigers continuing their volunteerism by creating earpieces for masks, delivering food, and placing positive thoughts around the neighborhood.  Really, I can't be more proud to be their principal.

As we move into summer, the plan for returning in August isn't clear.  It will look different.  As I learn what this will look like, I will communicate with you.  Please continue to check the different communication formats for GMS.

I leave you with a link of highlights for 2019-2020.

Have a great summer.