Friday, August 25, 2017

What an awesome first week!  It was great having students back on campus.  Here are some of the photos I took this week.

Cheerleaders helping 6th graders during lunch...

 Families preparing for the eclipse....
 Locker distribution....

 Safety in science classes.....

Orchestra students sharing their "why"...

Volleyball starts next week.  Come out and support our Lady Tigers starting at 6:00pm in the gym. 

There will also be a General PTA meeting August 30th at 6:00 in the library to discuss the upcoming bond. More information can be found at

While you are there, sign-up for my tweets, the GMS newsgroup to receive school related information, the bus app - so you know where the bus is at all times, and finally subscribe to each of your child's teacher website.  

Information is readily available.  All you need to do is subscribe for what you want to know.  

Enjoy your weekend and try to keep dry.  

Friday, August 18, 2017

GMS is so excited to have students back on campus Monday.  With the support of our awesome PTA, the staff will all be wearing new shirts.  Students will now be able to recognize all the teachers.

If able, please print, copy, or take a picture of your child's schedule.  If you are unable to do this, first period teachers will help.

As you know Monday Austin will experience a partial eclipse.  The eclipse will begin at 11:41 and continue through 2:39.  While this is a unique experience, it is the decision of individual teachers whether or not to teach about the eclipse based on their curriculum.  Viewing of the eclipse will be determined if teachers have sets of approved eye wear.    Please remind your students that is it NOT safe to look at the eclipse, even with sunglasses.

Enjoy your last weekend of summer vacation and we will see you when the doors open at 8:00 on Monday!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Hope you are having a great time this summer and enjoying your last few weeks.  There is so much happening on campus this week I thought I would share..

Band Camp...
 Math Camp...

Can't wait to have all the students back.  See you August 21st!!!