Friday, March 29, 2019

Do you receive the PTA newsletter?  If not, it is a great source of information.  Like that our Gorzycki PTA provides scholarships for graduating seniors?  For more information, please check out their website at

The Gorzycki teachers would like to say thank you to all the parents that donated to the teacher fundraiser.  The HEB gift cards were a huge success!

Next week is our last PAWS for Fun for the year.   We will be on a pep rally schedule Monday - Wednesday.  6th graders will be Monday, 7th graders Tuesday and 8th graders Wednesday.

Track, tennis, and golf are underway.  Help support these teams by coming to a meet.  

Orchestra and Theater have a fundraiser next weekend called the Mad Hatter Tea Party Fundraiser.  If you are looking for some fun, see the website for more details.