Friday, April 1, 2016

Each year Gorzycki participates in "Do the Write Thing" contest.  Actually, Gorzycki has more students participating than other schools combined! We had two winners that will be honored at an awards banquet later this spring, Kristen T. and John S.  Congratulations!

Today is the state Geo Bee competition.  Mrs. Tucker, the sponsor, and Will H. our 8th grade winner, are there for the competition.  Good luck Will!

Have you seen the new screens surrounding the tennis courts?  A huge thank you to our coaches who installed them this week.

Today we celebrated PAWS for Fun.  This is our second time.  Reward students had a great time!

The outside time after each student lunch is in jeopardy.  Volunteers are greatly needed.  Please sign-up on the PTA website with the Tiger Team.

The Theatre Arts 7/8 grade students are preparing a musical mime show tonight at 7:00 in the cafeteria.  Come and watch.  It's $5 at the door.