Friday, January 27, 2017

Hopefully your middle schooler has come home this week talking about the viewing of Screenagers.  Thank you to all the parents and the panel of experts that came out Saturday to watch it prior to students seeing it Monday and Tuesday. If you would like more information, look on the counselor page of our website.

GMS also hosted the final countdown for the Geo Bee.  Seth O. will represent GMS at the next level.

Parker L., had the winning essay for the African American Heritage foundation.  He will be recognized at their celebration in February.

8th graders participated in our annual Career Fair.  There were some great career ideas helicopter pilots, crime lab investigators, lawyers, artists, architects, mechanics and more.  Thank you GMS community for stepping up to help.

Congratulations to Ms. Shirack and her journalism classes.

Next week starts the countdown for 2017-2018 Choice Sheets. Counselors are making presentations to all students explaining the courses and providing support on how to complete the Choice Sheets.  Choice Sheets will be uploaded to the counselor website once presentations are made.  GMS will host a parent Choice Sheet Night Feb. 7th.  Check website for more details.