Sometimes we just need to have a little fun. With two years of Tiger Days unable to happen, GMS felt like we needed to do something fun. So we created a modified Tiger Day Scavenger Hunt around the school. Following all safety protocols, students were able to get out of the classroom and find different locations around the school.
Mrs. Dahill's class chose to wear party hats for the occasion...
The snack location was a hit...
Students left messages all over campus...
Hair painting was a close second to snacks...
Just chillin' on the rocks in Tiger Ally...
Maybe students did have too much caffeine, sorry families...
GMS chicken and goats loved all the attention...
I think this way is better. We break the confetti eggs on the students...
Thank you all to help with our Modified Tiger Day. It was a great way to start Spring Break. See everyone back on the 22nd.