Thursday, October 10, 2019

GMS celebrated Pride Week with clothing specific days.  Today was wear a color of the rainbow.  

Yesterday was "Don't be tacky and discriminate.   Mr. Mahoney is always in the spirit to dress up.

In keyboarding this week, students created presentations on Digital safety.  

Speaking of technology... 8th-grade parents here are some reminders from the GMS tech team:

  1. Please make sure that your student is using the district issued carry case or a protective sleeve for their device. We have already had several screens damaged due to improper handling. 
  2. Beginning Tuesday 10/15, if students are not using their district-issued carry case or a protective sleeve, students will receive lunch detention.
  3. Students should restart their Chromebooks at least once per day. 
  4. Please remind your student to charge his/her Chromebook each night so it's ready to use at school the next day. 
Don't forget the next two weeks are short.  Students are off tomorrow and Monday.