Friday, May 10, 2019

I have been bragging about all the artwork around campus and thought this week I would show some artwork from Woodshop.  Not Mr. Mahoney, but the chair, 

TV stand,

and Violin. 

6th Grade Science Club received a 1st place at the competition at UT.  

Tigers have been busy this week preparing for STAAR.
One way Tigers prepare for STAAR during the year is with word banks.  This one is Mrs. Juettner's.

Yummy treats from our Culinary class this week. 

So much fun watching the annual Faculty vs Student volleyball game and...

Faculty vs Student Basketball!  And wow, were these student's coached well.  Look how nicely they dressed. 

The GMS Library is missing lots of books.  Please check around the house and return any library books.

Locker cleanout begins next week.  Backpacks will not be allowed or needed once lockers are cleaned.  

It is also STAAR testing all week.  Please make sure students come with a book to read, sack lunch, and well rested.  Visitors are NOT allowed on campus. 

Have a Happy Mother's Day.