Friday, February 8, 2019

It is always fun to end the week with something fun.  The Valentine's Dance was great.  Everyone is so dressed up...

Student Council is selling Candy Grams during lunch.  These will be delivered on Valentine's Day to the students. 

This is a reminder that students are on a different schedule next week.  GMS calls it the Pep Rally Schedule.  It is 1st -5th period, 7th, 8th, and then 6th.  We are bringing back PAWS for Fun.  To increase the safety, each day is a different grade level - starting with 6th graders.  This happens during 6th period, which will now be the last period of the day.  And, there is actually a Pep Rally on Thursday.

It is a long weekend for students.  Students are off the 15th and 18th.  We still have some basketball and soccer games happening.  Please come and support the Tigers.