Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Congratulations to the cast and crew that performed at the AISD Middle School One Act Play Festival last week!  Ella, Breckon, and Zoe took home Bronze All-Star Cast awards for their roles as the narrators.  Patrick took home a Silver All-Star Cast award for his role as Smeagol.  Maya took home a Gold All-Star Cast award for her role as Cinderella.  Our actors weren't the only stars to shine...Esther received an Outstanding Tech award for her work as Sound Technician.  Way to go Tigers!

Check out Digit newspaper issue 1 at digit.press

It was a short week, but still learning was happening.  The 6th grade ELA classes hosted "The Poetry Coffee House".  There was lots of poetry and pie!

For pie, even some teachers got in on the reading...Is that Coach Mahoney?
Thanks to all the parent volunteers who served the pie.
It was also our first PJ day.  The Leadership class did a great job with all the rules.  Students and staff followed them all.  Maybe this will become a Gorzycki tradition?!

Hope you all find time to relax and enjoy the time with family.  Happy Thanksgiving!