Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Congratulations to the cast and crew that performed at the AISD Middle School One Act Play Festival last week!  Ella, Breckon, and Zoe took home Bronze All-Star Cast awards for their roles as the narrators.  Patrick took home a Silver All-Star Cast award for his role as Smeagol.  Maya took home a Gold All-Star Cast award for her role as Cinderella.  Our actors weren't the only stars to shine...Esther received an Outstanding Tech award for her work as Sound Technician.  Way to go Tigers!

Check out Digit newspaper issue 1 at digit.press

It was a short week, but still learning was happening.  The 6th grade ELA classes hosted "The Poetry Coffee House".  There was lots of poetry and pie!

For pie, even some teachers got in on the reading...Is that Coach Mahoney?
Thanks to all the parent volunteers who served the pie.
It was also our first PJ day.  The Leadership class did a great job with all the rules.  Students and staff followed them all.  Maybe this will become a Gorzycki tradition?!

Hope you all find time to relax and enjoy the time with family.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Team 6-2 celebrated the following students for their hard work and positive attitude:  Samantha, Brody, Kelli, Ali, Brodi, and Brenden.  I am so proud of those students for going above and beyond the expectation and representing their peers.

Congratulations to our Lady Tiger basketball teams.  They devoured the Bailey Bears this week.

Does your child like to dance?  The GMS Dance Teams are hosting a dance camp December 5th.  If your child is interested, forms can be picked up from Mrs. Hanson or from our website.

Have you heard that Tuesday is Pajama Day?  The leadership students have established guidelines for what can and can't be worn.  Please make sure you know.

For all the parent volunteers that helped with our staff Thanksgiving luncheon - thank you!

Have a safe and warm weekend.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Congratulations to all band members who auditioned for the All-District Band.  GMS had 39 students make the All-District band and 21 advancing to Region Auditions.  Special congratulations to Tate, Hope, and Jacob on making first chair.  Also to the Wind Ensemble Trombones and the Euphonious 100% of them made All-District Band.

Auditions for The Little Mermaid school wide musical in almost here.  An information session will be November 17th at 6:00 pm.  All your questions about participating and auditioning will be answered then.

The GT Committee has announced a new competition for students.  All students are invited to participated in this school-wide event - 2015 Lego Design Challenge!  There are several design categories of Robotics, Art, Holiday Theme, Wonders of the World,  Architecture and Landscaping. For more information contact Mrs. Butler.  

The library hosted author Joelle Charbonneau today.  She was amazing and had the students spelled-bound.  (I'll try to tweet pictures this weekend.)

There is only one month left to meet the Lone Star Challenge.  You only need to read 15 books on the list!  Ask Mrs. Johnson for more details.

The GMS Lost-and-Found is overflowing.  You have until November 19th to retrieve you lost items or they will be donated to Goodwill.

If you haven't donated to the PTA Love Your School Fundraiser please do.  It is almost over.

For the next two weeks, the SEL lessons will be related to our No Place for Hate Campaign.  Lessons are available on the website.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Hopefully you were able to attend our Diane Gorzycki Tribute Concert.  All the of our bands performed, and they sounded amazing.

The GMS NJHS participated in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund Walk.  The group collected over $1200 to donate to the cause.  

Some of our Theater Arts students attended the Renaissance Festival.

Did you know that our awesome PTA has begun their annual Love Your School Fundraiser?  Not only does Gorzycki love your volunteer support, but we totally appreciate your financial support as well.  Please go to http://www.tigerpta.org/ if you are interested in donating. 

Gnasher News is back in swing!  Check out Gnasher News Episode 1 at digit.press  This comes out each Thursday.  Stay current each week and check it out.

The 7th and 8th grade football team finished their season.  Our 7th grade team finished as Runner Up in the City Championship.  Way to go Tigers!

The girl's basketball teams have already begun their seasons and had incredible wins over Murchison this week.  Boy basketball tryouts are today. 

I appreciate all the parents that came to my Principal's Coffee.  It is always an open and lively conversation.  My Principal's Coffees are the first Friday of each Monday.  December 4th at 8:30 is my next one.  Hope to see you there.

Next week begins MOYs (Middle of Year Benchmarks).  These tests are designed to assess the curriculum taught this far.  It allows us to put interventions in place for the students that aren't mastering concepts that have been taught. 

Did you know that November 9th is Diane Gorzycki's birthday?  Let's all show our appreciation of this outstanding educator by wearing a Gorzycki shirt. 

Have a great weekend!