Thursday, June 25, 2015

I realized that I didn't blog about all the events the last week of school and yet so many things happened.   Each grade level had their  end of year trip as well as on campus celebrations like the 6th grade ice cream social.  Have you ever tried to get almost 400 kids through an ice cream line!  So many choices blue, purple...and toppings!  Selection overload for sure.

Gorzycki hasn't been able to perform a formal "graduation" ceremony for our 8th graders. But after participating in the end of year 8th grade celebrations, I don't think the 8th graders felt shorted. Throughout the last day, different activities were created from photo booths to karaoke to yearbook signing.  Lunch was provided outside. I think all of 8th grade enjoyed this, even the teachers.

After lunch, students headed back to class for their awards ceremony.  Then came one of the best traditions here at Gorzycki, the Bowie Drumline  Parade.  The drumline performed for our 8th Grade Farewell Parade.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was truly an amazing experience.  The parade path literally toured the entire school and had students lined up on both sides of the hallways.  Check out my tweets for more pictures of the drumline.

The parade led them to the cafeteria for a slideshow of the year in review.  It was great to hear all the giggles and to see all the tears and hugs.  We wish them the best of luck in high school.