Friday, February 12, 2021


It is great to see such incredible work from students, especially during this pandemic.  These are from some of our Art II students. 

Finding time for our on-campus students to socialize has been creative this year and especially when it is cold outside.  But it can be done.

The Valentine Candy Bar was a surprise for Friday, but when we found out school would be remote, the GMS office staff quickly set it up.

Monday is a student holiday.
Tuesday all assignments are due for the 4th six weeks. 
Friday is an asynchronous C day.  All students are expected to log in to blend for each class and complete an assignment so attendance can be taken.  

Friday, February 5, 2021

 I have enjoyed seeing some of the Woodshop projects for the six weeks.  

GMS Teachers have found creative ways for students on-campus to collaborate.  These are French students practicing new vocabulary words

February 9th will be Choice Sheet Night at GMS.  This will obviously be our first time conducting Choice Sheet Night virtually so please bear with us if there are kinks.  You will log into whichever zoom session you feel is important or have questions.