Friday, November 20, 2020

GMS is so appreciative of our PTA.  Not only did they step up and help provide our Thanksgiving lunch from Circle C Cafe, but they also provided gift cards.  Having the support of our families makes these strange times more manageable.  

It was such a beautiful day that the 8th-grade team had their Thanksgiving lunch outside.  

We all had concerns about how Woodshop would happen remotely, but I think it has allowed for more creativity from students.  

 Hopefully, you received the email from our Superintendent stating that there is a possibility that AISD will move to remote learning the week after Thanksgiving.  A decision is supposed to be made by the 25th of November.  If this happens, GMS will send word as well.  
Thank you all for your support, and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Each year for Veteran's Day, Mr. Heckler has one of his choir students sing during the morning announcement.  Please listen to Medha A. sing the Star-Spangled Banner.  If you would like to hear more, the Fall Virtual Concert was great.

I know I say this each week, but it is great to have some normalcy back at GMS.  Below are the Tigerettes practicing after school. 

There is even some art work being posted around the building.  

 One week left before Thanksgiving break, enjoy your weekend. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

GMS loves Popcorn Fridays.  Thank you, PTA!!!!!

Having some fun at lunch.  Students are able to select songs to be played.  Every time a student would get up and dance I didn't have my camera out fast enough.

Teachers are finding creative ways for students to complete verbal projects.  This student was in the hallway alone, using the partitions, so he could remove his mask.  

There will be a Principal's Coffee next Thursday.  Hope to you see then.