Friday, September 27, 2019

There is always something happening here at GMS.  GMS began the week celebrating the end of the first six weeks with PAWS for Fun.

Later that week, GMS was able to rollout 1:1 devices for all our 8th-grade students.  They were super excited.

 In French class this week, students played French games.  This one was "jeu des 7 families".

Our newest addition, Remy, to the GMS family.
 And we ended the week with the 6th grade glow dance.  

Next week is homecoming.  Please look on the PTA website for theme days.

Friday, September 20, 2019

GMS is so excited that 8th-grade students will be receiving their 1:1 devices next Thursday.  Because of this GMS will be on an Alt Schedule that day.  8th-grade parents must sign the parent permission slip before their student can receive a device. 

6th grade World Culture students had an amazing experience this week learning from student teachers from Japan.  It was very interesting to hear about what school looks like there. 

There is something always interesting happening in the library from class lessons to library aides completing the new "Stick Together" puzzle. 

GMS is fortunate to host student teachers, and we think it is a great campus for them to learn on.  Ms. Brinsko has been teaching alongside Ms. Prepster this semester.   Below is a bulletin board showcasing student work related to the Mayflower Compact. 

Lots of things are happening on campus next week that causes schedule changes.  PAWS for Fun is an end of the six weeks celebration.  Each grade level uses the last period of the day to relax and celebrate.  So Monday - Wednesday of next week, GMS will be on a Pep Rally Schedule.  All schedules can be found on the GMS website under Campus Info.  

Have a great weekend.

Friday, September 13, 2019

EXCEL Tutoring has begun!  Each day of the week is a different content tutoring day.  Monday is SEL lessons, Tuesday is ELA and/or World Languages, Wednesday is Science, Thursday is Math and Friday is Social Studies.  Students are able to receive tutoring by having their planner stamped.
  The end of the six weeks is next Friday?!

There was a couple of first this week.  

The first impromptu read loud by 8th graders

The first football games and the cheerleaders had a great time.

The first projects were finished in woodshop.

GMS also has new staff starting.  Ms. Carter, the new ELA teacher and Ms. Morris the new Science teacher.  Ms. Harder, Social Studies, and Ms. Parnell, Counselor begin later this month.

PTA is almost at its fundraising goal.  Check out the website to see what the staff would do with the funds!

Have a great weekend.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Have you stopped by the library lately?  The GMS Library Aides have created new bookshelves...

 GMS had another successful BTS... Thanks to all the families for supporting our school...

Mrs. Russell has been doing library visits.  Check out her website for more information including her monthly newsletter.  You might learn how to download audio books. 

 When teachers stay late, awesome views can be seen. 

Did you know that the GMS PTA has a Technology Drive Fundraiser happening right now?  Check out
 for more details and videos from staff asking for support.  

Thanks for everyone who attended my Principal Coffee this morning.  I enjoy the frank conversations with parents.  

Have a great weekend.