Friday, September 28, 2018

Did you know that there is a Boston School trip planned for 8th graders? The following link has more information.

Monday is the first Pep Rally of the season.  It is also Homecoming week and full of Spirit ending with the Homecoming Dance Oct. 5th.  Prizes will be handed out to students who dress in the best GMS spirit clothes.

Monday - "Spirit day" war GMS spirit clothes
Tuesday - "Crazy for the Tigers" (socks, hair, and clothes)
Wednesday - "Pink out" for the Tigers
Thursday - "Double up on the Bears" Twin Day
Friday - "Put the Bears to Rest" wear your PJ's

Report cards come out next week.  Check the parent cloud to make sure you have indicated how to get them. 

Library Facts for September
In August, 1,163 books were circulated!
In September, there were 3,395 total individual student library visits!
Mrs. Russell taught 41 classes.
After completing inventory, we found that we are only missing 33 books!
*fist pump*

Way to go, Tigers!
YOU are why we have such an amazing library program!

One of the online reading programs we have at GMS is MyOn.  Karen M had the most summer reading hours for GMS.  So proud of her.
Have a great weekend.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Don't forget NO SCHOOL for GMS Monday!!!!

Band celebrated the end of their fundraiser with the student selling the most in each band slamming pies in the face of their directors. 

We ended the week with the 6th grade annual Glow Dance.

Have a great weekend and see you Tuesday.

Friday, September 14, 2018

  7th grade ELA students creating stories using a particular point of view.

Students in Spanish learning about Mexican Independence Day. 

Thank you to all the parents who attended the first PTA meeting.  Dr. Brooks had some great strategies in how to balance screen time. 

Next week is the first CAC meeting of the year.  It is in the library at 4:00.  These meetings are always open to the public. 

Today was our first Popcorn Friday.  For someone who forgot their lunch today, that popcorn was a definite welcome.  Thank you PTA.

If you are looking for things to do, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday GMS usually has some sporting event going on.  Come out and watch.

September 21st, the our annual 6th grade Glow Dance.  Make sure your 6th grader has a wristband. 

Have a great weekend and stay dry!