Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Diane Gorzycki, the band director our school is named after, started an amazing tradition.  The day before winter break she had the Fine Arts students perform for the school and provide them lunch.  Just to say thank you for everyone's support of the Fine Arts Department.  Here are some pictures of the performances.
Theater Arts
 Steel Drums
Tiger Drill
Tiger Dancers
Here are a few more pictures from this week's events.
7th grade science class.
 6th grade field trip to Houston's Museum of Natural Science

NJHS students purchase gifts for Brown Santa

I wish you a safe and Happy Holiday season.  We will see you back January 3, 2018

Friday, December 15, 2017

Some of the outstanding 6th graders this six weeks.
 There are lots of things the GMS PTA does for the staff that I love.  The Cookie Exchange is definitely on top!
 The Culinary classes created cupcake master pieces and then distributed them to staff. 
 Another treat from our amazing PTA is the augmented sandbox.  Teachers had time this week learning how to use it.  
 It is always fun to watch the theater kids create their own plays.  What you see on film is definitely not what was actually happening behind the scene!  
 Another exciting event this week was the Tiger Cage Business Competition.  Students are asked to create their own business and present the concept to actual business owners!  These are the top 3 winners.
Remember it is a short week next week.  The Fine Arts department has several performances on Tuesday.  This is an annual tradition started by Diane Gorzycki herself. 

The 8th grade Lady Tigers Basketball team also has final Tuesday. 

Have a great weekend.

Friday, December 1, 2017

7th grade science classes this week dissected chicken wings. Supposedly students feel this is worse than frogs.  I guess when you cook chicken wings dissecting them seems normal.  

The GMS Student Council for one of their Legacy of Giving project collected 2260 lbs of food for the Capital Area Food Bank.  Today was a field trip to the food bank to help. 
 Students in art created projects showing a balance between positive and negative spaces.
 Beginner theater students created puppets to use for their performance.
 Green Ag class has been busy around campus working on all the garden and flower beds. 
Don't forget the Middle School Fair is tomorrow for those that would like to come and visit.  The Lady Tigers have a basketball tournament and the boy soccer teams have games Saturday as well.  There are several fine arts performances next week.  Please check the school website for more specific information. 

Have a great weekend.