Thursday, February 25, 2016

Maddi, Ashley, Sierra, the online editors for our school newspaper just earned their Site Excellence badge for 2016!  Go to to see more.

The Gorzycki yearbook is being used as a model yearbook.  Only about 1% of all yearbooks receive this honor.

Thank you PTA for hosting the NAMI presentation on "Ending the Silence".  It is a very important topic and I am proud of the PTA for hosting the presentation for parents.

A huge thank you to all our students for a very long week of benchmark testing.  They did an excellent job staying focused during all the tests.

Our first PAWS for FUN was a huge success.  It is so great to reward students who are doing the right thing.  Thanks to PTA for providing the Popsicles.

If you haven't seen our production of The Little Mermaid, there are still showings.  Tickets are only $5 and help support the theater program.

Just a reminder that all school buses have cameras now.  In just the past month, over 1,000 Austin drivers have passed school buses illegally!

Friday, February 19, 2016

So many fun things happening this week at Gorzycki.

The orchestra had an awesome performance on Thursday and have been practicing for UIL.  Ms. Allevato has done an amazing job preparing the students.

 The cheerleaders also do a great job supporting our athletes.  The 8th grade basketball teams won both their games.
 8th grade social studies had a mock trail for Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears.

 NJHS had a fieldtrip on campus and added some much needed landscaping to the areas around the portable.  They did a lot of work in one day!

 Today was the first practice for the Cap 10K Gorzycki team.  I'll do my best to be at practice next Friday.
To top off the great week, Gorzycki teachers received boxes full of supplies from "Supply the Teachers"!  Thank you for all the goodies.  

This is a reminder that the school building doesn't open until 7:45.  Students are NOT being monitored prior to this time.

Next week is Middle of the Year testing for all grade levels.  Monday - 6th- 8th Math, Tuesday 6th - 8th Reading, Wednesday - 8th Science, and Thursday is 8th Social Studies.  In order to give students the time needed without totally rearranging schedules, we are asking parents to bring sack lunches for students.

Next Wednesday is the general PTA meeting and we are showing the "Ending the Silence" presentation.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Read-A-Thon has a winner.  Mrs. Dammann's students averaged over 1,457 minutes of reading!  That is highly impressive.

Our Souper Bowl of Caring contest also came to an end.  GMS donated over 1,595 lbs. of food which is 1,000 meals!  Ms. Moreno's EXCEL class earned the movie and pizza.

Here are our 7th grade Kid Story Book winners.  They had loads of fun at Baldwin and Mills Elementary.  Thanks for having us!

 If you have a child interested in being a cheerleader or being the school mascot, please see Ms. Chandler.  Time is running out. is created by GMS students for GMS students.  Each week a new Gnasher News is created and sent out for students to view.  The website not only has Gnasher News but also other projects students have chosen.  I encourage you to view the website often.

 Don't forget Monday is a student holiday.  We will see you back here Tuesday.

Friday, February 5, 2016

All 7th grade ELA students got creative last week while making children's books.  The best books from each class will be shared wit Baldwin and Mills Elementary Schools next Friday.  

Our "Only One Gorzycki" night was highly successful.  It was a great showcase of all our awesome electives!  Remember that Choice Sheets were due this week, so please make sure you have turned in yours.

Today Gorzycki celebrated "Wear Red Day" which recognizes women's hearth health as well as over all wellness.

Valentines Day is right around the corner.  The dance teams are hosting a 7th & 8th grade dance next Friday and the leadership team will be selling carnations.  It should be loads of fun.

Good luck to our Regional Choir students and to our girls soccer teams this weekend.