Friday, September 25, 2015

Did you know that you can find useful information on the GMS webpage,  Under the "Parent" tab, you can find the daily announcements read by students at 1:00 pm.  This is a great place to find upcoming events like club meetings, sport events, and possible author visits.  Also on the website, under "counseling corner", we have started posting the Gorzycki 101 and SEL lessons.  The topic for next week is Cyber bullying. It is a requirement that all students must receive a 45 minute lesson on Cyber Safety. This same requirement was completed by all students last year and the same resources will be used.   All this information is posted on the website. 

Looks like our volleyball teams put on a strong showing against Bailey in this week's games.  Our football teams have had some strong competitors.  But district games begin next week, and I am sure they will be ready.  (I am not the best photographer nor does my cell phone take great pictures.  If you ever have a great picture that you would like to add to my blog or tweets, just send it to me through email!)  

GMS Student Council application process begins next week.  The process is different this year in hopes of identifying students that actually want to be in the program.  Please look under the student council tab on the website to find specific information.  Applications are due October 5th.  

Next week we celebrate Custodian Appreciation Week.  If you see one one our wonderful custodians, please stop them and say thanks!

On Sunday, Sept. 27, a lunar eclipse will be visible in Austin. The "show" starts around 8 pm and should stop around 11. Please go outside and watch! This will be the last "supermoon" eclipse until 2033!   Here are some links to help you:
What is a supermoon eclipse? of what you should see and when: Viewing Party:

Enjoy the great weekend!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Gorzycki Families,

I understand that there is some concern regarding our participation in Pride Week this week.  Below is the link to the district website and toolkit.  All the resources used have been from this site.   Please know our goal is to provide a safe, supportive, inclusive environment for all our students.

Thank you

Friday, September 18, 2015

The GMS football teams began their season this week.  Although we didn't come off with any wins, I know the teams are working hard to change that for next week.

All 4 volleyball teams had games and wins over Ann Richards.

Progress reports were mailed out this week.  If you are concerned, please check Parent Connect and if needed request a conference with the teachers.

We ended the week with our first dance, the 6th grade Glow dance.  There was lots of dancing, eating, and definitely lots of fun.  It was great to see all parents and teachers help support this event.  Thank you!!!

 Pizza, popcorn, cokes...what more could they ask for?!
 Lots of glow in the dark shirts.

 Kind of hard to take pictures in the dark...but you get the idea!

Next week along with the district, we are celebrating Pride Week.  Students should come home and be able to discuss lots of new things they learned.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, September 11, 2015

It was great meeting everyone Tuesday at Back-to-School Night.  I hope everyone enjoyed the evening as much as I did.  Obviously, BTS Night looks different at the middle school level compared to elementary.  Watching all of you travel the classes your child attends was fun.  It was encouraging to know that I am not the only one that comes out of the stairwells and can't remember where I am!  

Most students began their new EXCEL classes this week.  Here's a photo of Mrs. Snyder's Texas Wildlife Appreciation class observing the GMS outside learning environment.  

Thursday night the cheerleaders performed for the first time at the volleyball games.  
The volleyball teams played against Murchison.   Congratulations to all 4 teams.  Each earned wins!

Next week will begin our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons on Mondays during EXCEL.  Make sure you ask your child about what they learned.  

Gnasher News receives national recognition.  Students Kendall O., Logan M., Kayden D. and Anna I. were named as Finalists by the National Scholastic Press Association for its 2015 Broadcast Story of the year contest. Gnasher News was the only middle school broadcast program to be recognized among the 30 finalists from across the country. The students were named Finalists in the Broadcasts Sports category for their video on skateboarding from the 2014-15 school year. Kendall, Logan and Kayden are current eighth graders and Anna is a freshman at Bowie.  Winners will be announced on Nov. 4 at the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention.  Congratulations to Ms. Shirak, our teacher of the year, and her students!

PTA has begun their annual membership and volunteer drive.  Please check their website on how to sign-up for both.  Without the PTAs support, students wouldn't be able to do many of the things that have become tradition.  Please sign-up and show your support. 

This is a reminder that the office doesn't deliver "forgotten" items to students during the day, except for lunches and medicine.  Things such as homework, money, and PE clothes just sit in the office until the student comes and gets them.  The only method for students to know items are in the office is through you.  Since they shouldn't be receiving text during the day, that means it won't be until after school.  By the next morning, everyone has forgotten and the items just sit in the office.  Currently, we have items that were brought in on the 1st day of school!  Please don't bring items.  

Next week is the first Tigers football games.  The 7th graders play at Burger and the 8th graders travel to Dripping Springs.  Hope to see everyone there.  

A special thanks goes out to all the GMS Families who are "First Responders".  I appreciate all you do.  Thank You!!!

Principal Twitter @GMS_DrMitchell
Gorzycki Twitter @GMSTigers

Friday, September 4, 2015

There will be many first for me this year, so I apologize now for the over usage of the phrase.

The week began with locker distribution.  The 6th graders were incredibly excited by this event.  I think I saw some students take on and off their locks multiple times just to make sure it all worked.

7th and 8th grade students also selected their EXCEL class this week.  This change will begin Tuesday. That way, you will be able to follow your child's actual schedule next week for Back-to-School (BTS) Night.  Since I mentioned BTS, don't forget to copy your child's schedule, with room numbers, before you come.

Also during EXCEL this week, the school practiced many safety drills.  Drills like what to do if there was a fire, an intruder, and/or bad weather.  Please know that if you are on campus during these times, you must participate as well.  Schools are required to practice these types of drills monthly.  Sometimes they are planned but other times that aren't.  Must future drills won't be planned so that if an actual emergency happens, we will all be prepared.

It was also the first volleyball games of the season.  The girls did a great job.  I was quite impressed by their skill level.  I don't think that I could be a server.  My ball would never go over the net!  It was a win for both the 7A and 8A teams and very close games for the other two teams.

Thank you to all of those that came to my Principal's Coffee.  These informal meeting are the first Friday of each month starting at 8:30.

A huge thank you goes out to our wonderful PTA.  It was also Popcorn Friday.  I realize it is just popcorn but it tastes like the best popcorn in the world!  Of course, when it's popped fresh by moms and we can put all types of toppings on it from Cajun salt to chocolate, how could it not be awesome!
Don't forget that next week is BTS Night.  Times for each grade level are on the website.  If at all possible, carpooling and walking would help with traffic.  Each group meets in the gym first.

Monday is Labor Day and a student holiday, so have a great long weekend!