Friday, April 29, 2016

This is just a reminder that if you haven't registered your child online for next school year, please do.  This can be done on the district website.

Mr. Martin's 8th grade US History class finised their study of the American Revolution with a Tug-of-War contest.  Great to see 8th graders having so much fun and still enjoying school this time of year.
We ended the day with our annual Talent Show.  It is such a great opportunity for students to show their skills.  And it is quite impressive that they do it in front of their peers. 

Stay dry and have a great weekend.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The GMS journalism department rocks!  Last week was their UIL competition.  The highest award is a Star and the team won three bronze Star awards-- for the 2015 yearbook, for Gnasher News and for Only four other schools in the state won three Star awards, and they were all high school programs!

In broadcast, only six Stars were awarded, and the other five went to high schools. In online, 16 Stars were awarded and the other 15 went to high schools. In yearbook, only two other middle schools received Stars-- they also received bronze Stars, so our yearbook was rated one of the top three in the state last year. Additionally, only two middle school newspapers received Distinguished Merit ratings with Star nominations, and Digit was one of them. 

But wait there's more! They also won 83 Individual Achievement Awards. In these, students submitted their work-- news stories, videos, photos, infographics, etc. Students won 29 golds, 25 silvers, 16 bronzes and 13 honorable mentions. In broadcast and online, they compete against up to 4A and 3A high schools, respectively. 
The team is really excited.  We are so proud of them!

For the next two weeks, the Colorado Mobil Science lab is on campus.  Students are rotating through different learning stations.

Last night was the awards ceremony of the "Do the Write Thing" Essay Contest.  Two of our students were selected from the over 700 Gorzycki participants John and Kristen.  Congratulations!

Today we celebrated another PAWS for FUN day.  Our last one will be May 13th.  Keep up the good work. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Last Sunday GMS had 113 team members participate in the Cap 10K.  We had the largest middle school team participating, and we won first place based on the team's times!  Way to go.

The baby chicks are almost ready to move to their "big" house.  Thanks to all who have helped make this happen.

This year GMS had 51 students participate and together they earned 71 medals. Overall there were 800 entries. Four GMS students earned an additional silver medal.  Brecken 6th grade, Olivia 7th grade, Brooke 7th grade, and Cassie 8th grade.

We celebrated our outstanding Librarians this week.  This students surprised them with decorations!
Several weeks ago the Leadership Students group fund-raised for the Make a Wish Foundation.  We celebrated today with a Lip Sync contest by teachers.  So much fun to see the different personalities emerge.  

Did you know that you can register online at  Gorzycki is only at 39% of our students registered.  This greatly impacts your child's course selection process.   Courses can't be properly created if students haven't registered.  Please register today!

Stay dry and have a great weekend.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Have you heard how wonderful our GMS choir did at UIL this week?  Sweepstakes across the board!  Congratulations to Mr. Heckler and the choir students.

The GMS PTA honored our amazing custodians with lunch for all their hard work on Tiger Day. 

Today was the last training day for the school's Cap 10K team.  Coach Warner surprised the group with three guest speakers.  It was awesome to hear their stories and how they became runners.  If you have nothing to do Sunday morning, come on out to Auditorium Shores and cheer us on!

Next week is Librarian Appreciation Week.  Please stop by and tell Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Mauldin thank you for all they do!

Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Each year Gorzycki participates in "Do the Write Thing" contest.  Actually, Gorzycki has more students participating than other schools combined! We had two winners that will be honored at an awards banquet later this spring, Kristen T. and John S.  Congratulations!

Today is the state Geo Bee competition.  Mrs. Tucker, the sponsor, and Will H. our 8th grade winner, are there for the competition.  Good luck Will!

Have you seen the new screens surrounding the tennis courts?  A huge thank you to our coaches who installed them this week.

Today we celebrated PAWS for Fun.  This is our second time.  Reward students had a great time!

The outside time after each student lunch is in jeopardy.  Volunteers are greatly needed.  Please sign-up on the PTA website with the Tiger Team.

The Theatre Arts 7/8 grade students are preparing a musical mime show tonight at 7:00 in the cafeteria.  Come and watch.  It's $5 at the door.